Bankruptcy Law

Deciding to file for bankruptcy in Wisconsin does not mean you did something wrong. It is a tool designed for individuals like you who simply have faced undue financial hardship.

Bankruptcy Law and Debt Relief

Overwhelming debt does not come out of nowhere. It happens over time when hardworking people meet obstacles that cannot be met on their income alone. Unemployment, medical issues and predatory lending practices all can easily lead to insurmountable debt — debt that can and probably should be handled by filing bankruptcy.

Through Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy (or bankruptcy alternatives like Chapter 128), you can get immediate relief for stressful debt issues like:

  • Creditor harassment: Phone calls, letters and other correspondence designed to frighten you into paying your bills.
  • Creditor actions: Liens, lawsuits, foreclosures, repossessions, garnishments and other legal action designed to rob you of your assets

Rupich Law Offices offers bankruptcy legal representation in the Milwaukee Metropolitan area and Southeast Wisconsin, including the Fox Cities and Neenah. Attorney Patrick Rupich has many years of experience and can assist you with your bankruptcy legal needs. He will personally file your bankruptcy, and guide you through the entire process from start to finish. He will assist you in eliminating your debt; stopping creditor harassment; and rebuilding your credit.

Don’t call a television commercial bankruptcy firm because they do not offer the Rupich Law Offices personal service. Do not call an 800 number to speak with someone who may not be a lawyer.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 (“Fresh Start”) Bankruptcy Representation Includes:

Discharging (eliminating) credit card, medical, utility, and other unsecured debt
Helping you keep your car and house if you meet certain conditions
Stopping lawsuits, garnishments, and utility disconnections
Ending driver license suspensions

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 (“Reorganization”) Bankruptcy Representation Includes:

Paying less for your car and home if you meet certain conditions
Getting a loan modification if you meet certain conditions
Stopping lawsuits, garnishments, and utility disconnections
Ending driver license suspensions
Saving your home and car – pay past due amounts over 3-5 year period
Consolidating your debts with 1 monthly payment on past due amounts
Paying student loans in full or part (interest only) during your plan
Protecting cosigners
An interest-free unsecured debt repayment plan (pay over a 3-5 year period) if you qualify
Discharging (eliminating) all remaining credit card, medical, utility, and other unsecured debt at the end of your case



Bankruptcy Exemptions Can Work For You

Stop, think and talk to an attorney before you risk your assets. Many people will attempt to pay off debts by draining retirement savings, liquidating assets or otherwise giving up everything they have worked for. Many assets can be saved through bankruptcy exemptions.

Chapter 7 Fresh Start, or Chapter 13 Reorganization? Attorney Patrick Rupich will help you decide which type of debt relief is right for you.

Call Rupich Law Offices today (414) 302-7042 for your no-charge consultation. Please contact Attorney Rupich if you have any other questions or concerns.

Contact Pat About Your Case

The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact a lawyer. To schedule a meeting with Attorney Patrick Rupich, please call or complete the contact form below.

Contact Attorney Pat Rupich

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We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

About Rupich Law

Attorney Pat Rupich focuses his law practice in the areas of criminal defense, juvenile defense, restraining order defense, and debt options.  He serves southeastern Wisconsin and the Fox Valley, including Milwaukee County, Outagamie County, Winnebago County, and Fond du Lac County


  • Criminal Defense
  • Juvenile Defense
  • Restraining Orders
  • Bankruptcy

Milwaukee WI

Rupich Law Offices
The Clock Tower Building
2266 N. Prospect Ave, Ste 606B
Milwaukee, WI 53202

(414) 302-7042
Fax (414) 455-0830


Do not send Attorney Rupich private information until you speak with us and receive specific authorization to send information to us. Unsolicited information is not confidential. Unless and until you enter into a written attorney-client contract with Attorney Rupich, any information provided to Attorney Rupich is not private or confidential, and is not protected by attorney-client privilege or by any other privilege or confidence.